In 1979, on a visit to Haworth in West Yorkshire, Rick Higson bought a small stick man figure of a golfer. Initial thought was that it might make a small gift for his father Geoff Higson, but this developed into the idea that it would make a good top to a trophy. In the next few weeks, Geoff, being supportive of the idea cut and whittled a base for the trophy out of an old bed headboard, glued on the figure and proudly presented this to family.
The Name
The trophy needed a name and a competition format.
The name emerged from the fact that Geoff’s weekly golf experiences were rarely successful (“we didn’t keep our scores”) and frequently involved confusing tales of Greensomes, Stablefords, Foursome Alliances and more. Family banter generated the term Grimbleford to cover all these and emerged as a perfect name for a not very impressive trophy. Thanks to Mum Wendy, a brass plaque was procured and the trophy was as complete as it ever could be.
Despite several mishaps, glue and some delicate bending and reconfiguration of the figure, has kept deterioration in check for the last 39 years.